Check mal die Brocken!

It never got to me, why there should be a bunny on this planet, who is hiding eggs and stuff in my parents backyard, or why I was supossed to look for this shit. Not only, that it doesn´t make much sense, I kinda think it´s blasphemic aswell. Never the less; Half of our so called civilization must by now be tired of searching; That´s fine, since we do all the searching for you guys!

The latest Dada Life Mix has been for some time, but I just never had the chance to get through with it. However, that changed after the last 3 days of partying and so I was able to find this perfect song.

Calvin Harris – Awooga

Pure and simple: Absolut evil. My  favourite for the time being, it kicks you right in the head and that´s something we all like. We´re are having a big party at my place on saturday and this shall be my soundtrack and the only thing I will remember this day by. Calvin Harris really got under my skin…

The next one comes with a crappy video, but it is a nice song. No; It is fucking great – if you happen to be into dancepunk (or what ever…) of some kind, you´ll love. But check it out anyway. It came to me, as a heavily drunk 19 year old guy held his killer ghettoblaser right into my face, as I was just chilling at a fire. The only reason why he is still alive is this song. It was a nice evening.

Bolt Action Five – Tree Friend Tree Foe

More to come – Take care!

Categories: Music, Video