To all hookers out there

I hate this December already after 12 days. No money left for destruction, the burden that I’ll scrape through my exams and again no cigarettes for St. Nicholas’ Day. My neighbour still listens to the mandatory christmas songs and snow doesn’t want to come. When things won’t turn better after intoxicating myself the 31st December I piss on every of my New Year’s pledges and wish me back to 1993, where things still went well for me.


The only thing that make me feel better is the following description of dubstep artist “Hooky”:

In 1945 when World War II was ending, British intelligence made one of the biggest cover-ups known to man. Many thought the war was about stopping the oppressive Nazi movement from Germany, but little do people know that war was actually declared to stop a very secret underground music movement that could melt people’s faces and blister any man’s ears within seconds[...]“

If you really want to read more of this bloody bullshit take a look on his Facebook page but nevertheless, his work is good stuff and is completely disproportionate to his music desciption. So here we go:

Gorillaz – Rhinestone eyes (Hooky remix) by ItsHooky

Hooky – Say something by ItsHooky

Hooky – No Escape by ItsHooky

and for all who are waiting for snow like I do, here a little “schmankerl” from Austria:

Good video and nice tune!

Categories: Music, Video