Fuck Art, Let´s Dance!

This blogosphere of ours seems to work one way only: Mainly we display some songs or artist we, more or less, like, tell you to listen to it, to party to it, to drink to it and so on. On this trip to the brain, many things get lost. I for instance feel some times a lack of passion for the music I recommend and do ask myself, if anyone really got the capacity to soak up all this music -because I know I don´t!. This relation between quality and quantity does not always turn out well and I already tried to establish a sort of quality blogging with the last post I, containing honest music recommendations (not that it was bullshit all the way, but some was really put together in a hurry…) and a proper description to the music. At least I feel like i owe it to myself.

So this one is about Fuck Art, Let´s Dance!. They are  straight outta Hamburg City and so is their sound, which reminds me a great deal of Digitalism, what must the ultimate compliment in german electronic music for the time being. Signed by our favorit Label Audiolith, Fuck Art, Let´s Dance! are on their way to the top and I am really glad they came into my life. They play a mix of wild electro, combined with guitars and drums, so Jaimie Hodgson description “They play Jerky 2-bit dance pop for indie geeks with colourful knit-wear!” fits pretty well. They are just about to release their first record, got their first EP on the soundcloud for free download, so just get to it and release Fuck Art, Let´s Dance! into your fall 2011. I know I will!

FUCK ART, LET’S DANCE! – This Field of Young Believers (Free Download) by Audiolith
Don´t miss them live, they are around, mostly in Hamburg. But that should not hold anyone back. At all. ▲

Categories: Music